Tenant Handbook

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Insurance Requirements

Certificate of Insurance:

Please provide a Certificate of Insurance to the Certificate Holder in accordance with the terms of your Lease Agreement. All liability policies shall name the following as additional insureds:


Additional Insured Wording:

Fifty California Street LLC, Shorenstein Realty Services L.P., Shorenstein Properties LLC, Shorenstein Company LLC, Shorenstein Management LLC, Shorenstein MB Inc., and their respective Members, Partners, Officers, Directors, and Shareholders are included as additional insureds.


Certificate Holder:

Shorenstein Realty Services, L.P
50 California Street, Suite 1625

San Francisco, CA 94111


Shorenstein Realty Services, L.P. contracts with Business Credentialing Services (BCS), a third-party company, to validate all Tenant insurance certificates against Lease requirements. BCS representatives will work directly with your insurance agent to obtain appropriate coverage. Please notify your agent that BCS will be contacting them directly. If you would prefer to work directly with BCS, please notify the Building Office.