Tenant Handbook

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Power Failure

50 California Office building and common areas are served by emergency generators. In the event of power failure, these generators will provide limited emergency power for certain basic building functions. Those functions include:

  1. Power for emergency lighting.
  2. Elevator service (one car per elevator bank, plus the freight).
  3. The Life Safety System and emergency communications.

If power failure should continue beyond the duration of the generator power, the building may be deemed closed by Building Management and all occupants will be required to evacuate until the power can be restored and the building is safe for re-entry.


  • In the event of a power failure, contact the Building Management office.
  • PLEASE BE PATIENT, as you will most likely NOT be the only one calling for a status on the situation.
  • Please keep in mind that it may take some time for Building Personnel to assess the situation and safety of the building.
  • The emergency generator will provide lighting in public areas of the building (corridors, stairwells, and restrooms), and those spaces so designed for emergency lighting.
  • The PA system will be operational through the emergency generator.
  • Four elevators will be operational and will be run at the discretion of Building Management, pending building conditions.  The four elevators that will be operational are one elevator in each category or elevator bank: freight, low-rise, mid-rise, and high-rise.
  • Do not evacuate using the stairwells unless and until approved to do so by building management. Remember that there are approximately 2,000 employees in the building during normal business hours. If it is necessary to evacuate the building, please listen for instructions over the PA system. They will direct you safely to appropriate stairwells at appropriate times so that an orderly and safe evacuation can take place.